Sunday, September 28, 2008

Deedle Deedle Dee.

Im sick and fucking tired of the term "Graphic Novel" being the new buzz word attached to anything supposedly hip and indie.
When you see the tagline "Based on the award winning best-selling graphic novel by blah blah blah", what it really means is: "Some artfag production company thinks they can make some cash off the pseudo-intellectual masturbatory fodder of some art school drop-out loser jerkoff who thinks they have more than one functional idea rotting in their aborted sponge of a brain and because of the unconditional love and support of some misguided parent or spouse, this same douchebag now has the funding to self publish this self indulgent immature trainwreck abortion of a story in trade paperback and because the market is over saturated with self published or just plain forgettable sub par bullshit, this thing actually turns out some pathetic numbers for the month that it was solicited and heres the real kicker, these numbers are based off what the retailer orders from teh distributor, not what actually moves off the shelves, so this complete ratfuck or a publication ends up in the half price bins and stagnates there for 10-12 years before said "indie shop" goes under and all the shit gets sold at a swap-meet." Its all a big jerk off fest but you're not alone without some helpful hints, here are a few "buzz word definitions" to help you decipher what it is you may consider purchasing in the future:
"Poignant" - Someone gets raped, survives.
"Coming of Age Story" - Someone witnesses someone getting raped.
"Precocious" - Someone narrowly avoids being raped.
"Outspoken" - Someone gets raped, helps others to avoid same.
Point being, modern comic book writers cant think of any other trial or difficulty for female characters to endure besides rape... hacks just LOOOVE to throw rape at a female, it's a documented fact, do the math!
Comics suck these days, tell your friends!


wool and misc said...

i don't read comics... i could never follow the squares...

christyface! said...

I shall teach you the ways little one.