Tuesday, October 13, 2009

You suck at life and I'm not talking about the board game.

Why is it that we all cram in to tight spaces on the weekends in attempt to makeout or smoke or get drunk? Do you think if it was not customary to do these activities on the weekends that we would be doing something else? By this I mean; would we automatically tend towards bars or drinking parties? I wonder if we had a chance to start from scratch if we would do other things on the weekends. Like have everyone go out and take pictures, or have picnics, or play baseball, or ride bikes in groups. I mean who decided that we should go to these bars? Granted they are fun, but no one ever asks why we go. We just do. Makes life simple I guess. Also, why is it that logic seems to totally leave the picture when romance enters? It is a line between living and a tame logical existence. It is so easy to forget goals and aspirations when a new love is brought to the table. The question is whether this is a bad thing or not. Is one not supposed to dance in the danger of romance just because of certain risks to the heart? I would think at first no. At least not when put like that. That would be ridiculous. Why would one want to completely shut themselves off from the possibility of love just in light of a few risks? There is a compromise to be made between logic and love. Too far in either way and you are as good as dead. Most of my life is logic. School and living in general can all be done with the aid of logic, but love, love is something different. This requires that you step away from the safety of routine and actually let go. To give total and complete faith in someone else, meaning you will give all of yourself to that one person. That simply put, is not in allign with any normal thought process. So what should the balance be between the two (logic and love)? All I can say is that even though there are risks in love, there is life in love. And living is what we are here for. I guess the best thing for me is that I love math. So I win because I am in love with something logical. Beat that.

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